I turned 50 and celebrated
You must celebrate too
Not everyone makes it to 50. I started losing friends and teammates since my early teens. It was shocking to learn that someone who had been playing the violin with me at the youth orchestra was no longer available. He had been killed in a car accident.Then another fellow violinist got cancer at 19. He made it through the operation and recovery and has now passed the 50 mark. Other weren't in the group of the survivors.
In my mid-20s a dear fellow student from University passed away in his sleep, possibly due to a stroke.
As I got older, more casualties occurred around me. We lost friends to accidents and health failures at about one every couple of years. Some affected me more than others. One particularly put me face to face with the fact that I could be next or that it could have been me. It was one of the reasons why I became an author.
You must start celebrating life too. If you don't like celebrating you get older, bear in mind that you are fortunate to be able to read this today. You can start looking into this negativity today.
We somehow cope
We all have different coping mechanisms to deal with pain but this blog is not about pain, it's about reminders for us to look around and find the beauty in this jungle called life.What would your dear friends who have parted before you think if they saw you whining while you are still alive and they're not?
We must honour them, remember them well and move on to make the best out of those years ahead of us. Or rather, of each and every day we are granted to live.
Fifty and fabulous?
It would be impossible and would do more harm than good to expect to feel bubbly every single day. We are only humans and we face health issues as we reach middle adulthood. Here are some other reasons why you ARE fabulous but you're probably not feeling it:- You've been working 25-30 years if not more, coworkers are half your age, your body is probably struggling with toxins accumulated during the quiet development of GMOs, excessive use of pesticides for profit, refined foods and artificial flavours.
- You are targeted by cosmetic companies, beauty enhancers, hairdressers, makeup artists, fashion brands to make you buy expensive items and pampering packages because "you are worth it".
- You are done with basic experiences and now you want to move on towards exotic ones that might be dangerous.
- You might be dealing with teens, tweens or YAs who are your harshest critics.
- Your life partner has also reached middle age and could be acting selfishly, being mean and/or self-centered.
- You recently buried your parents or you are facing their late adulthood aches and pains.
- You thought you were going to enjoy the taste of freedom once your children flew the nest but you feel empty inside as you start wondering if you're not needed anymore by those same children for whom you were EVERYTHING not so long ago.
What this blog is about
Stay tuned for more reminders that can help you stay focused on your wellbeing. I will be posting about acceptance, gratitude, mindfulness, forgiveness, love, myths, facts regarding health, mind strength and more.
You are an important part of this journey. Share with me in the comments what came to mind as you read.
Forever grateful,